"SBS thinks ahead ..."

SBS in an interview with Hermann Kruse, Atruvia AG

Hermann Kruse, Tribe Lead Production Bank / Tribe Self-Service, Atruvia AG, shares in an interview his positive experiences with us as a partner & our software solutions

SBS ATM software solution
SBS ATM software solution

Atruvia AG (formerly Fiducia & GAD IT AG) is today one of the top 10 IT companies in Germany operating a self-service device network based on the SBS KIX platform with more than 30,000 self-service devices, five different manufacturers and more than 100 device models and variants for approximately 800 People’s banks (Volksbanken), Raiffeisen banks and other (private) banks. Proven multi-client capability and a powerful, vendor-neutral self-service architecture are crucial for Atruvia AG.

The advantages speak for themselves

  • Small as well as large banks, as their own client, benefit technologically from a high-performance, modern self-service solution operating with multiple vendors.

  • The support of current, standard self-service devices enables us to consistently align our self-service hardware portfolio with the requirements of our customers and to ensure the availability of up-to-date systems for the banks.

  • Complementary services for the operation of self-service systems from the Atruvia corporate group, which are closely coupled and controlled by the KIX components, enable an optimal advantage across the entire self-service field.

Interview with Hermann Kruse

Mr. Kruse, today you are responsible for self-service at Atruvia AG. The history of the cooperation with you goes back to 1990 (formerly RBG), Atruvia AG itself emerged from Fiducia & GAD IT AG. Before that you were responsible for product management of self-service systems at GAD eG and since then we’ve been working together personally. GAD opted for the vendor-neutral SBS KIX platform in 2011 and in the subsequent merger with Fiducia IT AG, vendor neutrality also played a decisive role.

What has been your experience in utilizing the SBS KIX platform - what has improved substantially for you in terms of support for market-standard devices?

Mr. Kruse, Atruvia AG: We deliberately chose a partner / solution based on our experience in the multi-vendor environment that was independent of self-service device manufacturers, offered us the possibility to connect our own systems as well as to bring in our own ideas.

At that time, we really wanted to use a browser and HTML5 to display the interface. SBS made this possible as a customer solution. We implemented the migration project together in a goal-oriented manner. SBS responded to our requirements with a high level of flexibility. And what makes us particularly happy: some of our ideas are now standard under KIX. The basic certification of self-service systems from different manufacturers, including their platform software, under the KIX software, puts us in a position to apply the same rules of cooperation to all device manufacturers.

What is the decisive factor for you to recommend SBS as a software partner?

Mr. Kruse, Atruvia AG: The way SBS lives its role in our partnership and reliably implements its part and, on the other hand, to always be open for new ideas, individual requirements as well as an open and constructive exchange about professional and technical requirements.

I personally appreciate the products of SBS and feel very well supported. What I also like is that SBS thinks ahead - in terms of new topics, but also with a view to the issues involved in operating a self-service system over its life cycle.


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