ATM Application

Customized ATM software:

Maximum security and minimum downtime

Customized ATM software:

Maximum security and minimum downtime

SBS Multivendor ATM Application

Elevate your self-service banking with KIXCustomer, our industry-leading multivendor ATM software. Trusted and proven across thousands of deployments, KIXCustomer offers unparalleled reliability and performance tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re enhancing existing services or launching new initiatives, SBS provides the innovation and customization to keep you ahead in the future of self-service banking.

ATM Software Application

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

Inclusion as a basic feature

Usability for all. KIXCustomer offers comprehensive support for people with disabilities, including contrast mode and text-to-speech functionality (compliant with the requirements of the European Accessibility Act).

Certified quality

Our software quality sets standards through regular tests and over 43,000 automated test cases and is supported by an ISO 9001-certified quality management system. Recognized certifications by EMVCo, Mastercard, Visa and the German Banking Industry confirm the high quality of our software.

Customized software standard

The mature software core, which has been tried and tested over many years, is based on proven standards and is the secure and reliable basis that we seamlessly connect to your processes, applications and interfaces. This enables a smooth migration of your systems to the SBS architecture.

100% Multivendor

Compatibility with different ATM models simplifies administration and maintenance. Those who can rely on several manufacturers are flexible and save costs.


Kann Ihre ATM-Software das auch?

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

100% Multivendor

Die Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen Geldautomaten-Modellen vereinfacht Verwaltung und Wartung. Wer auf mehrere Hersteller zurückgreifen kann, ist flexibel und spart Kosten.

Compatibility with different ATM models simplifies administration and maintenance. Those who can rely on several manufacturers are flexible and save costs.

Compatibility with different ATM models simplifies administration and maintenance. Those who can rely on several manufacturers are flexible and save costs.

Customized software standard

Customized software standard

Der viele Jahre bewährte und ausgereifte Softwarekern basiert auf bewährten Standards und ist die sichere und zuverlässige Basis die wir an ihre Prozesse, Applikationen und Schnittstellen nahtlos anbinden. Das ermöglicht eine sanfte Migration Ihrer Systeme in die SBS-Architektur.

The mature software core, which has been tried and tested over many years, is based on proven standards and is the secure and reliable basis that we seamlessly connect to your processes, applications and interfaces. This enables a smooth migration of your systems to the SBS architecture.

The mature software core, which has been tried and tested over many years, is based on proven standards and is the secure and reliable basis that we seamlessly connect to your processes, applications and interfaces. This enables a smooth migration of your systems to the SBS architecture.

Inclusion as a basic feature

Inclusion as a basic feature

Benutzerfreundlichkeit für alle. KIXCustomer bietet umfassende Unterstützung für Menschen mit Einschränkungen, einschließlich Kontrastmodus und Text-zu-Sprache-Funktion (konform mit den Anforderungen des European Accessibility Act).

Usability for all. KIXCustomer offers comprehensive support for people with disabilities, including contrast mode and text-to-speech functionality (compliant with the requirements of the European Accessibility Act).

Usability for all. KIXCustomer offers comprehensive support for people with disabilities, including contrast mode and text-to-speech functionality (compliant with the requirements of the European Accessibility Act).

Certified quality

Unsere Softwarequalität setzt durch regelmäßige Tests und über 43.000 automatisierte Testfälle Maßstäbe und wird dabei durch ein ISO 9001 zertifiziertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem unterstützt. Anerkannte Zertifizierungen durch EMVCo, Mastercard, Visa und die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft bestätigen die Hochwertigkeit unserer Software.

Our software quality sets standards through regular tests and over 43,000 automated test cases and is supported by an ISO 9001-certified quality management system. Recognized certifications by EMVCo, Mastercard, Visa and the German Banking Industry confirm the high quality of our software.

Our software quality sets standards through regular tests and over 43,000 automated test cases and is supported by an ISO 9001-certified quality management system. Recognized certifications by EMVCo, Mastercard, Visa and the German Banking Industry confirm the high quality of our software.

100% Multivendor

Certified quality

Certified quality

ATM Software GUI

Valuable features: secure & smart

State-of-the-art SB functions

Transaction authorization via ISO8583, ISO2022, PBM, NDC/DCC protocols

Processing of contact-based or contactless (NFC) transactions according to the EMV® standard

Cash recycling (including retract and reject recycling)

Support for blind and visually impaired users (contrast mode and text-to-speech)

Support for multiple customer accounts and various customer groups (own, national, international customers)

Support for foreign currency, Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), and multilingual capabilities

Highly customizable

Extension with customer-specific functions

Customer-specific processing of contact-based or contactless transactions

Customization of the user interface to match the corporate identity (CI)

Flexible design of menu navigation and function selection

Adaptation to different host systems

Transaction authorization via customer-specific host protocols

Bank-specific business transactions

Cash deposit and withdrawal

Currency exchange

Balance and information inquiry

Execution of transfers (including SEPA transfers)

Standing order management

Account statement printing

We shape your success:

Expert support through all project phases

strategy planing on whiteboard
strategy planing on whiteboard
strategy planing on whiteboard

Future-oriented banks need a strong software partner who speaks their language and understands their culture. We know the challenges that banks face.

Our expert teams accompany you step by step - from requirements analysis to rollout support - with comprehensive services.

Future-oriented banks need a strong software partner who speaks their language and understands their culture. We know the challenges that banks face. Our expert teams accompany you step by step - from requirements analysis to rollout support - with comprehensive services.

What our customers say

  • "The way SBS lives its role in our partnership and reliably implements its part and, on the other hand, to always be open for new ideas, individual requirements as well as an open and constructive exchange about professional and technical requirements."

    Hermann Kruse

    Atruvia AG

  • "The KIXOperator Distributor complements our business processes very well. With the same employee efforts, rollouts can be finished much faster by reducing the installation process."

    David Ostah

    PSA Payment Services Austria

  • "SBS can draw from an immense pool of experience in the field of highly secure banking software - and is now, equipped with new ideas, going one step further to venture into completely new business areas and current trends such as medication supply in the mobile sectors - the interaction and interdisciplinarity between the industries is the key to success!"

    Dr. Christian Baumgartner


  • "Due to the time constraints, the Windows 10 migration of the self-service devices was a critical project that was implemented without any problems and rolled out without any disruptions for the banks and their customers."

    Andreas Diemt

    Raiffeisen Informatik

  • "The way SBS lives its role in our partnership and reliably implements its part and, on the other hand, to always be open for new ideas, individual requirements as well as an open and constructive exchange about professional and technical requirements."

    Hermann Kruse

    Atruvia AG

  • "The KIXOperator Distributor complements our business processes very well. With the same employee efforts, rollouts can be finished much faster by reducing the installation process."

    David Ostah

    PSA Payment Services Austria

  • "SBS can draw from an immense pool of experience in the field of highly secure banking software - and is now, equipped with new ideas, going one step further to venture into completely new business areas and current trends such as medication supply in the mobile sectors - the interaction and interdisciplinarity between the industries is the key to success!"

    Dr. Christian Baumgartner


  • "Due to the time constraints, the Windows 10 migration of the self-service devices was a critical project that was implemented without any problems and rolled out without any disruptions for the banks and their customers."

    Andreas Diemt

    Raiffeisen Informatik

Your feature plus:

Add-ons for KIXCustomer



KIXDesigner adapts the user interface of KIXCustomer to the customer's corporate identity at runtime (on the fly)

KIXDesigner adapts the user interface of KIXCustomer to the customer's corporate identity at runtime (on the fly)

Customized Logo

Customizing the colors of the background, buttons, font, etc

Customizing the iconography

Customizing the font

Integration of customized graphics (background image)



Increase the benefits of your self-service device to get in touch with your customers

Increase the benefits of your self-service device to get in touch with your customers

Configuration of advertising information in the idle loop

Configuration of advertising information in the main menu

Configuration of advertising information at certain points in the transaction process (e.g. during the waiting time for note deduction / dispense)

Realization of simple campaigns:

Start date

End date

Selection of individual, multiple or all locations for the execution of the campaign

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

Let's get your software project off to a successful start and onto the home straight together.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information?

Do you have any questions or would you like more information?

Let's connect.

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