ATM Data Hub

Automated banking data hub that enables you to easily increase the efficiency of your self-service devices

SBS Multivendor ATM Data Hub

Optimize the performance of your banking self-service operation with KIXOmatic - our automation and connectivity solution.

Data Hub Software

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

Flexible code-free automation

Use our intuitive rule editor to create triggers and actions without complex coding.

Continuous integration

KIXOmatic integrates smoothly into your company's existing system landscape without requiring any changes to these systems.

Control of data flow

Always keep control of what data is exchanged between connected systems.

Comprehensive library of control modules

Our constantly growing library offers a wide range of applications - from utility apps to specialized integrations in various industry standards and sectors.


Kann Ihre ATM-Software das auch?

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

Can your ATM Software do that as well?

Kontrolle über Datenfluss

Control of data flow

Control of data flow

Behalten Sie stets die Kontrolle darüber, welche Daten zwischen verbundenen Systemen ausgetauscht werden.

Always keep control of what data is exchanged between connected systems.

Always keep control of what data is exchanged between connected systems.

Umfassende Bibliothek von Regel-Modulen

Comprehensive library of control modules

Comprehensive library of control modules

Unsere stetig wachsende Bibliothek bietet eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen – von Utility-Apps bis hin zu spezialisierten Integrationen in verschiedene Industriestandards und Branchen.

Our constantly growing library offers a wide range of applications - from utility apps to specialized integrations in various industry standards and sectors.

Our constantly growing library offers a wide range of applications - from utility apps to specialized integrations in various industry standards and sectors.

Nahtlose Integration

Continuous integration

Continuous integration

KIXOmatic integriert sich nahtlos in die bestehende Systemlandschaft Ihres Unternehmens, ohne Änderungen an diesen Systemen zu erfordern.

KIXOmatic integrates smoothly into your company's existing system landscape without requiring any changes to these systems.

KIXOmatic integrates smoothly into your company's existing system landscape without requiring any changes to these systems.

Flexible Code-freie Automatisierung

Flexible code-free automation

Flexible code-free automation

Nutzen Sie unseren intuitiven Regel-Editor, um Auslöser und Aktionen ohne komplexe Kodierung zu erstellen.

Use our intuitive rule editor to create triggers and actions without complex coding.

Use our intuitive rule editor to create triggers and actions without complex coding.

Benefits of KIXOmatic at a glance

Benefits of KIXOmatic at a glance

Reporting & Compliance

Generate and send reports in various formats - whether for management purposes or to meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Data-Routing & ETL

Connect and transform data between systems. KIXOmatic acts as an “interpreter” here to facilitate interaction between different systems for smooth data exchange.

ITSM workflow-automation

Define flexible rules for automated ticket creation or closure and self-healing actions to improve device availability.

Anomaly detection

Enables real-time monitoring of thousands of devices to detect unusual patterns and problems without impacting overall performance.

ATM Software GUI

Valuable features:
ready for the challenges of tomorrow

Valuable features:
ready for the challenges of tomorrow

Dashboard & Journal

A clear dashboard shows the execution of rules and the connection status of external systems. The journal provides detailed insights into all actions performed.

User administration & workgroups

Manage users and their access rights. Set up different workgroups to control access to specific connections and apps.

On-premise or cloud operation

Flexibility in deployment, whether locally or in the cloud, to meet the individual requirements of your company.

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

We would be happy to advise and support you in your self-service projects!

Step by step to your next-level self-service software

Let's get to know each other

Let's talk about your requirements in person. We will show you what our self-service solutions are capable of and answer your questions.

Consultation on equal footing

Do our self-service solutions meet your requirements? We will advise you transparently and give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

Installation & Support

You've opted for our self-service solutions? Great - now we'll roll up our sleeves and adapt our self-service software to your requirements in the best possible way. We will support you with the installation and use of our products.

Let's get your software project off to a successful start and onto the home straight together.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information?

Do you have any questions or would you like more information?

Let's connect.

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